
June 2024
Joined the PC of FSE 2025 in Trondheim, Norway.

June 2024
Our paper PentestGPT: An LLM-empowered Automatic Penetration Testing Tool has been accepted at USENIX Security 2024 in Philadelphia, USA. Pre-print.

June 2024
Our paper Microservice API Evolution in Practice: A Study on Strategies and Challenges has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Systems and Software (JSS). Pre-print.

April 2024
Our paper PASDA: A Partition-based Semantic Differencing Approach with Best Effort Classification of Undecided Cases has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Systems and Software (JSS). Pre-print.

March 2024
Feeling very honored. Received an ICSE 2024 Distinguished Reviewer Award.

January 2024
Our paper RobotPerf: An Open-Source, Vendor-Agnostic, Benchmarking Suite for Evaluating Robotics Computing System Performance has been accepted at ICRA 2024 in Yokohama, Japan. Pre-print.

December 2023
Feeling very honored. Received an ESEC/FSE 2023 Distinguished Reviewer Award. This is the second award in a row after having received it also in 2022.

December 2023
Our paper DValidator: An approach for validating dependencies in build configurations has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Systems and Software (JSS). Pre-print.

November 2023
Joined the PC of ICSE 2025 in Ottawa, Canada.

September 2023
Joined the PC of ICSME 2024 in Flagstaff, USA.

September 2023
I am still looking for a PhD student in Software Engineering to work on Semantic Change Impact Analysis for Microservice-based Systems. See open positions for how to apply.

July 2023
Joined the PC of MSR 2024 co-located with ICSE 2024 in Lisbon, Portugal.

July 2023
Joined the PC of SANER 2024 in Rovaniemi, Finland.

June 2023
Joined the PC of FSE 2024 in Porto de Galinas, Brazil.

May 2023
Our project proposal Semantic Change Impact Analysis for Microservice-based Systems was accepted by FWF. We will have open positions for 2 PhD students and 1 student assistant.

April 2023
Open position: I am looking for a PhD student who would like to do a PhD in Software Engineering with a focus on Program Analysis. See Open Positions for more information.

February 2023
Joined the PC of ICSME 2023 taking place in Bogota, Colombia.

November 2022
Joined the PC of MSR 2023 co-located with ICSE 2023 in Melbourne, Australia.

September 2022
Three hints for reviewers of Austria’s FWF stand-alone project propsals.

September 2022
Joined the PC of ICSE 2024 taking place in Lisbon, Portugal.

July 2022
Feeling honored. Received an ESEC/FSE 2022 Distinguished Reviewer Award.

July 2022
Joined the PC of ESEC/FSE 2023 taking place in San Francisco, USA.

December 2021
Joined the PC of ICSE 2023 NIER taking place in Melbourne, Australia.

December 2021
Co-organizing the 5th Workshop on Validation, Analysis and Evolution of Software Tests (VST 2022) co-located with SANER 2022.

November 2021
Three hints for reviewers of Austria’s FWF project propsals.

August 2021
Joined the PC of SANER 2022 taking place in Honolulu, Hawaii.

July 2021
Joined the PC of MSR 2022 co-located with ICSE 2022 in Pittsburgh, USA.

July 2021
Joined the PC of ESEC/FSE 2022 taking place in Singapore.

May 2021
Feeling honored. Received my second ICSE Distinguished Reviewer Award.

May 2021
I am looking for two PhD students who would like to do a PhD in Software Engineering. See Open position for more information.

January 2021
Our paper A Cryptography-Powered Infrastructure to Ensure the Integrity of Robot Workflows has been published in the Journal of Cybersecurity and Privacy.

December 2020
Joined the PC of VISSOFT 2021 co-located with ICSME 2021 in Luxembourg City.

December 2020
Our paper The Nature of Build Changes: An Empirical Study of Maven-based Build Systems has been accepted for publication in the Springer journal Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE).

November 2020
Our paper Runtime Protection of Real-time Critical Control Applications against Known Threats has been published in the journal IEEE Design & Test.

November 2020
Gave an invited talk on Mining and Analyzing Source Code Changes at ASQT 2020.

November 2020
Co-organizing the 4th Workshop on Validation, Analysis and Evolution of Software Tests (VST 2021) co-located with SANER 2021.

September 2020
Joined the PC of SE 2021 taking place in Braunschweig, Germany.

August 2020
ERRoSS 2020 submission-site has been reopened and welcomes new submissions.

June 2020
Joined the PC of ESEC/FSE 2021 taking place in Athens, Greece.

May 2020
Our proposal for a Karl Popper Kolleg Responsible Safe and Secure Robotic Systems Engineering (SEEROSE) has been accepted and will receive funding for four PhD students.

May 2020
Joined the PC of SWQD 2021 taking place in Vienna, Austria.

February 2020
Because of the Coronavirus, IRC 2020 and ERRoSS 2020 have been moved to November 9-11th, 2020.

January 2020
Joined the PC of ICSME 2020 taking place in Adelaide, Australia.

January 2020
Joined the PC of ICSE 2021 taking place in Madrid, Spain.

January 2020
Our short paper Data-driven Robot Introspection has been accepted at IRC 2020 in Taichung, Taiwan.

December 2019
Our paper Leveraging Machine Learning for Software Redocumentation has been accepted for publication in the SANER 2020, Industrial track.

November 2019
Our paper Verifying Temporal Specifications of Java Programs has been accepted for publication in the Springer Software Quality Journal.

October 2019
Co-organizing the 3rd Workshop on Validation, Analysis and Evolution of Software Tests (VST 2020) co-located with SANER 2020.

October 2019
Our paper Automatic Repair of Timestamp Comparisons has been accepted for publication in the IEEE journal Transactions on Software Engineering.

September 2019
Co-organizing the 1st International Workshop on Engineering Resilient Robot Software Systems (ERRoSS) co-located with IRC 2020.

September 2019
Joined the PC of MSR 2020 co-located with ICSE in Seoul, South Korea.

September 2019
Joined the PC of the ICSE 2020 ACM Student Research Competition.

August 2019
Joined the PC of SANER 2020 taking place in London, Ontario, Canada.

August 2019
I will give a seminar on “Mining and Analyzing Source Code Changes” at the SIESTA 2019 International Summer School on Software Engineering in Termoli, Italy.

July 2019
Our paper What kind of questions do developers ask on Stack Overflow? A comparison of automated approaches to classify posts into question categories has been accepted for publication in the Springer journal Empirical Software Engineering.

May 2019
Christian Macho successfully defended his PhD Thesis “Preventing and Repairing Build Breakage”. Well done Christian!!!

March 2019
Excited to start my Sabbatical at Dynatrace - the leading company providing cloud management and monitoring solutions. I will be working there part-time until end of August 2019.

March 2019
Our paper Semantics-Driven Extraction of Timed Automata from Java Programs has been accepted for publication in the journal Empirical Software Engineering.

December 2018
Our paper Can I Depend on You? Mapping the Dependency and Quality Landscape of ROS Packages has been accepted at IRC 2019 in Naples, Italy.

October 2018
Our paper Exploring Visual Comparison of Multivariate Runtime Statistics has been accepted at SSP 2018 in Hildesheim, Germany.

July 2018
Our paper Noise and Heterogeneity in Historical Build Data: An Empirical Study of Travis CI has been accepted at ASE 2018 in Montpellier, France.

July 2018
Joined the ESEC/FSE 2019 PC.

June 2018
Our paper Generating Accurate and Compact Edit Scripts using Tree Differencing has been accepted at ICSME 2018 in Madrid, Spain.

June 2018
Our tool demo paper DiffViz: A Diff Algorithm Independent Visualization Tool for Edit Scripts has been accepted at ICSME 2018 in Madrid, Spain.

June 2018
Joined the PC of SANER 2019 taking place in Hangzhou, China.

May 2018
Our paper Towards Model Checking Security of Real Time Java Software has been accepted at SHPCS 2018, co-located with HPCS 2017 in Orléans, France.

April 2018
Stefanie Beyer successfully defended her PhD Thesis Identifying Android App Developers’ Challenges through Mining Stack Overflow. Well done Steffi!

March 2018
Our paper Automatically Classifying Posts into Question Categories on Stack Overflow has been accepted at ICPC 2018, co-located with ICSE 2018 in Gothenborg, Sweden.

March 2018
Our paper Modeling Time in Java Programs for Automatic Error Detection has been accepted at FormaliSE 2018, co-located with ICSE 2018 in Gothenborg, Sweden.

February 2018
Our paper Co-evolution Analysis of Production and Test Code by Learning Association Rules of Changes has been accepted at MaLTeSQuE 2018, co-located with SANER 2018 in Campobasso, Italy.

January 2018
Joined the ICSME 2018 PC.

December 2017
Our paper Automatically Repairing Dependency-Related Build Breakage has been accepted at SANER 2018 in Campobasso, Italy.

October 2017
Our paper FEVER: An approach to analyze feature-oriented changes and artefact co-evolution in highly configurable systems is available Online First at Springer.

October 2017
Joined the MSR 2018 PC.

September 2017
I have been elevated to IEEE Senior Member.